Welcome to Orthodox Christian Men’s Association (OCMA)

Orthodox Christian Men’s Association (OCMA) is a brotherhood dedicated to helping men become better men together in Christ, “as iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17); that is, becoming by grace what Christ is by nature: truly human and truly divine. As men, we are called to pray and work; provide for and protect our family, friends, community, and nation, especially in these uncertain times; and preside as leaders leading by example and above all humility. We cannot do this alone, however, we need each other and are stronger together. St. Benedict is our patron saint and we strive to follow his motto: Ora et Labora (pray and work), and live by his Rule to the extent we are able.

Men, especially today, need real brotherhood, camaraderie, and the freedom to be men. Freedom to share our joys and failures, hopes and fears with other men without being judged (for where there is judgment, there is no growth). Men who will help us grow. Men who will hold us accountable. Men who will have our back. Men who will stand up and get work done. Men who will lead by example. Men who live by the mottos: “My Brother Before Me” (MBBM), “I aM My Brother’s Keeper” (IMMBK), and “Brothers to the End” (BTTE).

One “Trinity” Brotherhood in Three Levels We Call: DOCOMA

OCMA is the first level of brotherhood (novice, hang-around) focusing on “purification” (praxis), i.e. becoming a better men TOGETHER in Christ, through praying, fasting, keeping the commandments (in which Christ is mystically hidden -St. Maximus Confessor), reading the Holy Rule of St. Benedict and the heroic Lives of the Saints. You do not need a motorcycle or be Orthodox to join (God does not force and neither do we; only the devils force). In biker lingo we learn: MBBM (My Brother Before Me). St. Benedict is our patron saint: O Saint Benedict pray to God for us!

Orthodox Motorcycle Association (OMA) is the next level of brotherhood (apprentice, probate), focusing on “illumination/noetic vision” (theoria) , i.e., participating in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Orthodox Church, offering unmercenary service and security, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and those in prison, and seeing Christ in the Scripture and all of creation (logoi of the Logos). You have to be Orthodox and have a motorcycle to join. In biker lingo we learn: IMMBK (I aM My Brother’s Keeper). St. George is our patron saint: O Saint George pray to God for us!

Dead Orthodox Club (DOC) is the highest level of brotherhood (master, full-patch), focusing on “theosis”, i.e. being dead to the world (Romans 6:8; 2 Tim 2:11) and alive in Jesus Christ; becoming “partakers of the divine” (2 Peter 1:4), for “God became man so that man might become god” (St Athanasius On the Incarnation 54:3; God became what we are, that we may become what He is by grace loving union communion in the Holy Trinity; John 6:56, John 14:23; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 1 John 4:12-16; our Lord, the Apostles, and all the Holy Fathers of the Church teach this); praying and memorizing the psalms as Orthodox warrior knights (as the ancient Kozaks did, so when tortured they would remain steadfast), practicing hesychia (inner peace, stillness) and noetic prayer of the heart. This is by invitation only for worthy Orthodox men in OMA. In biker lingo we are: BTTE (Brothers To The End) and Orthodox Brothers Forever! The Theotokos (Mother of God) is our patron saint: O Theotokos pray to God for us!

Orthodox Christian Mens Association

OCMA is the first level of the Brotherhood.
Orthodox Motorcycle Association (OMA) is our second level of brotherhood.
Dead Orthodox Club (DOC) is the highest level of the Brotherhood.
Modern Day Orthodox Warriors, Kozak Knights on Iron Horses.